Newsletter - Summer 2023

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms …’ Ephesians 6:12

In the past few weeks I’ve been more aware than ever that we are in a spiritual battle – but I’m also aware of God’s faithfulness as we have sought to birth something new. As Gospel Entrepreneurs we live in an uncomfortable space, taking risks and being vulnerable. But we are not naïve and we remain strong in the Lord and in his mighty power, as Paul reminds the Ephesians.

We are thrilled that our new Gospel Entrepreneurs series is now available – watch the trailer above to get a taster and visit the website to order your downloadable videos and workbook. My co-host for the series is vicar and entrepreneur Kina Robertshaw. Participants include Michael Volland, Principal of Ridley Hall, Cambridge; Joanne O'Connor, the Director of Junction 42; Gary Grant of The Entertainer toy shops; church leaders, Steve Gee and Philip Jinadu, and Malcolm Johnston, a successful businessman, who has pioneered charities in Eastern Europe.

Roy Crowne
Gospel Entrepreneurs founder


The second Gospel Entrepreneurs’ 24-hour retreat, held in Northampton, was a huge success with experts passing on their experience, worship, prayer ministry, great food and time for networking. The speakers included John McGinley from Myriad/CCX talking about the goal to establish 10,000 worshipping communities in England in the next 10 years; Richard Street who spoke about fruitfulness and multiplication, drawing on his extensive experience working with companies like Halfords, Mothercare and Dunelm, and Frog Orr-Ewing from Latimer Minster among several others. Look out for the new section on the website with podcasts from the event.


Roy Crowne, Laura Brett and Steve Gee will be launching Gospel Entrepreneurs at the Multiply 2023 Church Planting Conferences run by our partners Myriad/CCX. Find out more on the CCX website. Laura will be in Leeds. Steve will be at the Birmingham event and Roy will be at the event in London.


If you miss an enews update you can catch up here on the Gospel Entrepreneurs website.


If you have received this Gospel Entrepreneurs news update from a friend – you can sign up here to receive it direct to your inbox each month.

Please continue to pray that God will leads us as we invest in entrepreneurs and plan for the future.


Newsletter - August 2023


Newsletter - May 2023