Newsletter - August 2023

The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer… my stronghold. Psalm 18:2

Trust is one of the most fragile things in our society; when it is broken it is devastating; when it is strong it is powerful. We are created in God’s image. We are created to trust. I find that the interesting thing about trust is that you cannot be commanded to trust, and you cannot be made to trust, trust is a choice.

It is a choice you make, it’s also a risk you take, so once you choose to trust then you hand control over to someone. That is why I think we are called to trust God. So let’s choose to trust him. Let’s not be passive but active in trusting him. Recognise that the dynamic of living and trusting in God changes so much in our lives. He is our refuge and strength. He is our fortress. He can be trusted. Let’s put our trust in him.

David Heron (1941-2023)
Join me in giving thanks this week for David Heron, Premier’s former chairman, who helped build the radio station into Europe’s largest Christian media organisation. David was a good friend; an extremely successful businessman who used his gifts to spread the gospel. He invested heavily in numerous kingdom projects and young gospel entrepreneurs. He died on Tuesday morning, aged 81. I heard the news from Peggy, his wife, when I phoned later that morning to talk to him. David was a kind and generous gospel entrepreneur, who will be missed. Join me in praying for Peggy and his family.

Thanks so much for your prayers and support.

Roy Crowne
Gospel Entrepreneurs founder

Gospel Entrepreneurs – The Series

We are thrilled that our five-part series (featured in the video above) is taking off, with dozens of copies being ordered since its launch earlier this year. The video series includes inspirational interviews with entrepreneurs such as Gary Grant of The Entertainer, Michael Vollund, principal of Ridley Hall Cambridge, and Joanne O-Connor from Junction 42 among others. You can find out more and watch the first session free here. Use this series in your church or group of churches to encourage and inspire local church entrepreneurs.

Launching Gospel Entrepreneurs Scotland

Around 70 people have booked to take part in the Gospel Entrepreneurs event on 17th August in Edinburgh, which launches Gospel Entrepreneurs Scotland. The gathering will be hosted by Roy Crowne and Paul Sawrey with guest speakers and worship led by Dan Robinson. The event runs from 6:45 – 9pm at Ashton Hall, 105 St Stephen Street, Edinburgh EH3 5AB. To book your place, please email

You can also book to attend the gathering in Manchester on 10th October or the event in Belfast on 29th November

Spurring one another on

After the national Gospel Entrepreneurs’ gathering, the London group got together to climb Snowdon in July. Their stay in Wales included time to walk and pray together, spurring one another on. As they discovered, it’s only when you look back that you can see how far you’ve come.

Fruitful connections

Meeting together as Gospel Entrepreneurs is bearing fruit. Ben Nelson and Orlando Antoine first met at the 2022 Gospel Entrepreneurs gathering. Orlando was already running a successful toy business. Ben was combining his professional hockey playing with a business start-up, initially selling recycled plastic backpacks as an athleisure brand. They got talking, with Orlando passing on lots of tips to Ben and asking questions which, Ben says, helped him to learn more about marketing and to hone in on his ideal customer.

In the year, before the second gathering earlier this year, Ben and Orlando talked on Zoom, particularly about the possibility of selling Ben’s growing range of Eco for Purpose products on Amazon. Orlando already had experience of Amazon and advised Ben that his margins weren’t big enough for an Amazon launch. Their conversations led to ideas that they could work on together – ideas for a sports business that are now taking shape.

Ben says he is already having good conversations with his hockey team mates as he explains how Gospel Entrepreneurs are people who love Jesus and who use their entrepreneurial skills to benefit others. ‘For me, business gives opportunities to have good conversations with people such as manufacturers and suppliers and to have financial input into things you are passionate about,’ Ben says. He explains that raising money through sponsorship for example, is a one-off gift to a charity, but with a successful business Gospel Entrepreneurs can keep on giving for the long term.


If you miss an enews update you can catch up here on the Gospel Entrepreneurs website.


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Please continue to pray that God will leads us as we invest in entrepreneurs and plan for the future.


Newsletter - October 2023


Newsletter - Summer 2023