Newsletter - May 2023


In 1 Corinthians 3:6-8 Paul reminds us that it is God who makes things grow. Paul continues that theme of planting seeds in 2 Corinthians 9:10-11: ‘He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.’

I am so grateful for your prayer support, your giving and your encouragement. 

Click on the video above to see the final moments of filming for the new Gospel Entrepreneurs series. The five-part video series will be ready to launch on 9 May with a downloadable workbook for you to use. Watch out for details of how to join the launch party online.

It is so exciting to see how God is growing this work with Gospel Entrepreneurs.

Thanks again for your part in this.

Roy Crowne
Gospel Entrepreneurs founder


Roy has started recording the next series of podcasts for UCB radio. Here’s what Emilia, one listener, had to say about the series so far: ‘Gospel Entrepreneurs is such an amazing podcast. It’s the first podcast I’ve ever listened to. I listened to every single episode. I’ve found them so inspiring because these are seemingly ordinary people but they do absolutely extraordinarythings like opening a toy shop but transforming what it looks like to be an employer; and as a student, Joanne O’Connor stepped out to work in prisons. I wasn’t doing that as a student! ‘I found every single story, all so different, but each of them has this essence of doing things differently.

I found that so encouraging in the things that I’ve tried to do differently. I feel I’m not alone anymore. They have so much godly wisdom as well; they’ve learned so much. It has been a real encouragement in my life and to my family and friends. If someone hasn’t listened to a podcast, that’s the podcast they should listen to.’


We are thrilled that the second Gospel Entrepreneurs’ 24-hour retreat will be bringing together 45 entrepreneurs in May to hear from God and each other. Next year we plan to expand the event to all-comers, so anyone who wants to explore what it means to be a Gospel Entrepreneur can come.


You never know the impact you can have. Roy was speaking at an event in Preston's Avenham Park. Among the onlookers there was drug dealer who stopped trading to find out what all the noise was about. While Roy was sharing the reality of life and hope in Jesus, this drug dealer, began to listen. Roy explained that Jesus was the leader of the most disruptive revolution in the world and that anybody could be part of it, and that Jesus died so that anybody can have a new beginning. At the end of the talk, Roy suggested a simple prayer of commitment to Jesus and this man prayed that prayer! Afterwards he said that he had had an amazing encounter with Christ and he knew right away that he had to get a new job!  

The event was arranged by Farm Fellowship, a church plant that began in a Farm Shop in Tarleton, near Preston. The Farm Shop had connections throughout the local community and was an ideal space to meet together as church on Sundays. The space didn't feel too religious! Farm Fellowship had a smoking break halfway through the service and always ate lunch together afterwards. They even provided Tea and Toast for those who turned up early... so the whole meeting time ran for 5-6 hours.  In the first five years, they estimated that 400 people came through that small meeting space, mostly from non-church backgrounds. 


If you miss an enews update you can catch up here on the Gospel Entrepreneurs website.


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Please continue to pray that God will leads us as we invest in entrepreneurs and plan for the future.


Newsletter - Summer 2023


Newsletter - April 2023