Newsletter - December 2022

In Romans 15:20 Paul says: ‘It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known.’

I’ve been really encouraged with the Gospel Entrepreneur gatherings that we have held in the past few months. We are finding that there are a lot of people making a significant difference in business, social enterprise and ministry, and their aim is to find places that the gospel has not reached and to make Christ known in new contexts.

Each of the gatherings has been distinctive and unique – but all those taking part have loved the opportunity to bring the gospel and entrepreneurship together.

Hannah Mumford and Steve Riley in the videos above – were part of the Durham Gospel Entrepreneur gathering hosted by Elijah Kirby. Their enthusiasm is evident.

Thanks so much for your prayers. Have a great Christmas – I’m looking forward to the new year and all the opportunities it will bring. With loads of appreciation for your support

Roy Crowne
Revelation Trust founder


We are thrilled to be working with the Gregory Centre for Church Multiplication (CCX), which supports leaders, church teams and dioceses across London and beyond as they multiply disciples, churches and networks. CCX equips leaders as they develop and lead growing churches. We are offering support to help churches to connect the gospel with entrepreneurship. CCX is led by the Bishop of Islington, the Rt Revd Ric Thorpe. It is part of the Church of England but works with many denominations and networks.

Every Home for Christ

Roy is continuing to mentor young leaders from Every Home for Christ across Europe. Pray for them as they seek to develop new styles of church, ministry and social enterprise in contexts where the ground seems hard.

New podcast series

The radio station UCB will be running a new series of Revelation Trust podcasts. These will start in January with Roy interviewing Paul Cowley who recently joined the board of Iceland to help ex-prisoners find work in the food store; Orlando Antoine, Ben Nelson and Elijah Kirby, who are three of the first dozen Gospel Entrepreneurs that Roy is working with; and Laura Brett and Steve Gee who have joined the Revelation Trust team. You can listen in on whatever platform you use for podcasts  –  or catch up on the podcasts page on our website where you can listen again to the last two series. 

Give Roy’s autobiography as a Christmas gift

Here’s HOPE tells the story of HOPE Together and more. Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, said, ‘It’s a story told at pace – a run not a jog. Because it’s the story of God on the move through his people for the sake for the world.’

Order copies here. 

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Thanks for your prayers and support. Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year.


Newsletter - January 2023


Newsletter - November 2022