Newsletter - January 2023

…neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow…’ 1 Corinthians 3:7

As we start 2023 we are celebrating all God has done in 2022:

  • The team has grown with Lidia joining Roy in January 2022 to manage projects and run Roy’s diary; Laura and Steve joined in the second half of the year to develop the work with women and with churches.

  • We have published 18 podcasts and another series is coming this spring. There were 1000-1500 downloads of each podcast.

  • At the start of 2022 Roy was working with 12 Gospel Entrepreneurs. Now there are 40.

  • The Gospel Entrepreneurs hosted six gatherings in their own regions.

It has been a great privilege to invest in these young lives. As we rejoice in all that God has done in the past year, it builds our faith to develop more from this encouraging start. In the coming year we will share some of their stories, which give us real hope for the growth of the gospel and the kingdom. When things are alive, they are constantly adapting. Join with us thanking God for people, provision and the potential growth from these seeds. It has been great to do this together with you. Let’s pray that we see more growth this year.

Roy Crowne
Gospel Entrepreneurs founder

New Website

As we are becoming known for our work with Gospel Entrepreneurs, we are creating a new Gospel Entrepreneurs website, which will be at the forefront of all that Revelation Trust does.

Gathering in Scotland

We are excited about our next gathering in Scotland on the 6th February 2023 in Edinburgh at St Pauls & St George’s Church (Ps&Gs). Contact the office for more details


Thank God for a great new partnership with Scripture Union and with the Gregory Centre for Church Multiplication (

Invite a Speaker

If you would like to hear more about the Gospel Entrepreneurs in person, Laura Brett, Steve Gee and Roy Crowne would love to come and share more about our work.

News archive

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Thanks for your prayers and support. Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year.


Newsletter - February 2023


Newsletter - December 2022