Newsletter - November 2022

I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy.  I am happy because you have joined me in spreading the good news. You have done so from the first day until now. God began a good work in you. And I am sure that he will carry it on until it is completed. (Philippians 1:3-6, NIRV)

I can’t believe over a year has gone by since we started Revelation Trust.

 Our goal in the first year was to find 12 gospel entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds in three areas: social enterprise, business and Christian ministry.

 It was so exciting to see the way this developed. The first 12 young men and women were recruited very quickly. Bringing them together was a challenge, but it was great to meet after the Covid lockdowns.

New team members

Laura Brett joined the team mid-way through the year on a part-time bases to help recruit women as gospel entrepreneurs. Laura is an evangelist, a qualified midwife specialising in perinatal mental health, an international speaker, and a passionate advocate and activist for vulnerable women, human rights, freedom, and positive mental health.

We also recognised that church planters need to be entrepreneurs so, in partnership with Vineyard, we have taken on Steve Gee to give some input and to develop that aspect of our work. Steve is Lead Pastor at Garden City Vineyard, and also serves the wider Vineyard movement as a Regional Leader for the North, Midlands & East of England. Before moving to Milton Keynes to plant a new church, he had planted a church with five people, which grew to 600 people over a 10 year period.

Meet our trustees

We are grateful to the Revelation Trust Board – Brian Addis, Morola Hayden and Mike Pollard – who support the work of the Trust with their expertise and wisdom. You can read about them here

We have produced two series of six podcasts in partnership with UCB with audiences ranging from 1,500 to 3,500 people. Another six will be available on all platforms in November.

New video series

We have held a number of church leaders’ gatherings where it was suggested that we needed a video series on what it means to be a gospel entrepreneur, with a theological framework, some practical work on values, the gospel imperative, and how to do business, social enterprise or ministry. We are now in the process of recording the films to launch early in 2023.

Michael Volland, the Principal of Ridley Hall Cambridge, Gary Grant, Sir Peter Vardy and others are involved. It’s been very exciting to see this come together.

Celtic and regional ministries

We have now established a brand new ministry in Ireland, and are looking to develop a ministry in Scotland. Also, the first 12 gospel entrepreneurs have been hosting their own Revelation Trust events in their regions.

Investing in Europe

During this year I’ve had opportunities to invest in gospel entrepreneurs across Europe through my partnership with Hope for Every Home, which is part of Every Home for Christ. EHC have invited me to be a consultant to the young gospel entrepreneurs in their ministry particularly in Europe. They also took me on one trip to the USA to meet the international EHC team.


We are very excited about what the next year could look like as we follow up on the opportunities that are coming our way to recruit, invest in and release people for the Kingdom.

I want to say thank you to each of you for your partnership. Your prayer and support has enabled us to do so much as we invest in these young gospel entrepreneurs. We are just starting, but I feel this will fly as we step out and see what God does over the next 3-5 years.

Without your support, I wouldn’t be able to do what I’m doing, so thank you.

With huge appreciation

Roy Crowne
Revelation Trust founder


Newsletter - December 2022


Newsletter - October 2022