Newsletter - October 2023

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit… (Matthew 28:19-20)
Welcome to the 200 people who have recently signed up to receive this enews. It is great to connect with you. I’d love to hear about how the Gospel Entrepreneurs vision is worked out in your context.
I recently had the privilege of visiting Australia, New Zealand and Malaysia; it gave me a good perspective on Jesus’ great commission. We are part of a global family. When you visit these places you discover that there are people everywhere who are passionate about Jesus, passionate about their communities, and longing to see God move.

In New Zealand and Australia, I had the opportunity to share the Hope Global vision in various gatherings, such as the gathering of leaders in Wellington, pictured above. 

In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia’s capital, I was looking at business and ministry in the marketplace with my Revelation Trust hat on. It was thrilling to hear stories of what God is doing in that Muslim nation. It was such a joy to meet with some young leaders, Gospel entrepreneurs in Kuala Lumpur, and to see their passion and hear their stories of what God has done in their lives. It was a very exciting trip. It was a simple reminder that the Gospel is amazing, with the power to transform lives and communities.

Sometimes we look only at our surroundings, but when we have the privilege of travelling to other countries, we realise that God is at work all the time all around the world. It was my privilege to see some of those spaces and places, where God is doing some amazing things by the work of his Spirit in all the nations of the world.

So be encouraged. Thank you so much for your continued commitment to Revelation Trust and Gospel Entrepreneurs. Please continue to pray as the Gospel Entrepreneurs series is going out and as the network grows.

Roy Crowne
Gospel Entrepreneurs founder

In translation

We are now in the process of working with Christian entrepreneurs in Malaysia to set up Gospel Entrepreneurs as a charitable trust in Kuala Lumpur. There are plans to translate our new Gospel Entrepreneurs series into Cantonese and Mandarin, to invest in people in East Asia and to serve them as they impact the Muslim world through the market place.

New Podcast Series

The new Gospel Entrepreneurs podcast series launches on 9th October. Catch up on the first 19 podcasts with Roy interviewing Gospel Entrepreneurs on a wide range of experiences. You can find the Gospel Entrepreneurs podcasts on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and more.

Mentoring programme

Paul Harvey and Richard Street are joining our team of associates as business coaches alongside Steve Gee, who specialises in entrepreneurial church leadership and Laura Brett who encourages Christian women as entrepreneurs

Scottish learning communities

Two learning communities are developing in Scotland. Groups in Aviemore and in Edinburgh are meeting to take the vision forward north of the border.

Northern Ireland launch

Gospel Entrepreneurs launches in Northern Ireland in November – around 50 people are gathering in Belfast on 29 November for the event hosted by Ben Nelson and LJ Watt. Contact the Gospel Entrepreneurs office for details.

Budapest gathering

This autumn Roy will be meeting young entrepreneurs from across Europe at a gathering in Budapest hosted by Every Home for Christ. Pray for Roy as he encourages these entrepreneurs to take a strong Christian lead in church, ministry and business.

Thanks so much for your prayers and support. We are thrilled to see how God is expanding our vision and the influence of Gospel Entrepreneurs. If there is any way we can serve you don’t hesitate to get in touch.


If you miss an enews update you can catch up here on the Gospel Entrepreneurs website.


If you have received this Gospel Entrepreneurs news update from a friend – you can sign up here to receive it direct to your inbox each month.

Please continue to pray that God will leads us as we invest in entrepreneurs and plan for the future.


Newsletter - December 2023


Newsletter - August 2023