Newsletter - December 2023

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.’ - Hebrews 10:23 

It has been an encouraging and exciting year that has seen the Gospel Entrepreneurs video series launched in different regions of the UK and in other parts of the world. I was thrilled to be able to travel to New Zealand, Australia and Indonesia at the invitation of different groups. After the Covid lockdown, it was wonderful meet people again face-to-face, though the year of connecting online did have some benefits. The vision of Gospel Entrepreneurs is now spreading even wider than I’d hoped, with the series being translated for use in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I’ve met great people and have seen how God is using entrepreneurs across the globe to spread the gospel. We have a small UK team – all passionate to see God working through their entrepreneurial gifts. Thanks so much for your support and prayers during this past year. Pray with us as we start a new year. We trust you have a hope-filled Christmas.

Roy Crowne
Gospel Entrepreneurs founder

Reaching teenagers and young adults

Meet gospel entrepreneur Michael Yelland-Brown. Currently his social media work reaches 1% of the 13 to 24 year old population in the UK. His dream is to build that audience to at least 10% of UK 13 to 24 year olds. Watch him tell his story in the interview above.

Michael has been a filmmaker for the past six years. Over that time, he has been creating docu-series focusing on engaging teenagers in the Christian faith. His passion for faith-led content has compelled him to become the director of The Way Studios, a creative hub dedicated to producing faith-based content tailored for social media platforms. Through his work, he is committed to breaking down negative preconceptions of the Christian faith and fostering a deeper understanding and connection among young people. His mission is to use the power of film to inspire, educate, and bridge gaps between our society and who Jesus is.

Northern Ireland launch

Gospel Entrepreneurs launched in Northern Ireland with an exciting day event hosted by Ben Nelson and LJ Watt. They are committed to setting up new groups using the Gospel Entrepreneurs video series to expand the vision across the region. Contact them via Lidia in the Gospel Entrepreneurs office.

Hopes for Hull

The Gospel Entrepreneurs video series has led to two new businesses being started in Hull, where one church is running the series. We will be telling their story as it develops in 2024.

National Gathering

We will be holding our second national gathering of Gospel Entrepreneurs in March. Contact the office if you have not received details.

Looking back – looking forward

We look at this past year with grateful hearts for all that God has enabled us to do alongside gospel entrepreneurs: the launch of the Gospel Entrepreneurs video series; the translation of the series into Chinese; the recording of podcasts in partnership with UCB; the launch of Gospel Entrepreneurs in Scotland and Northern Ireland. We are so grateful for your support. Thank you for joining us at the many events held around the country. We have really enjoyed meeting with you and would love it if you would join us again next year. Check out our social media and website for dates of events held all around the UK.


If you miss an enews update you can catch up here on the Gospel Entrepreneurs website.


If you have received this Gospel Entrepreneurs news update from a friend – you can sign up here to receive it direct to your inbox each month.

Please continue to pray that God will leads us as we invest in entrepreneurs and plan for the future.


Newsletter - January 2024


Newsletter - October 2023