Newsletter - September 2022

We need more entrepreneurial leadership in the local church – not just doing what was, but creating something new – social enterprise in a church context.’ Watch the video above to hear me talking about the Revelation Trust vision for Gospel Entrepreneurs to my friend Canon J John as part of his video series ‘Facing the Canon’.

J John asks me about the Trust, but also recaps on the YFC years and some of HOPE Together’s highlights. If the story whets your appetite to hear how God has been at work in the local church over the past few decades, then get a copy of my new bookHere’s HOPE.So many of the plans we’ve been making for Revelation Trust are now coming together. We have a date to start filming the Gospel Entrepreneur’s video course. I’m excited to see what God will do in this new season.Thanks so much for your prayers.With loads of appreciation for your support.

Roy Crowne
Revelation Trust founder

Revelation Trust in Scotland

The first Revelation Trust regional event in Edinburgh with Tommy Nelson was a great success. As a result, there’s a commitment to establish Revelation Trust Gospel Entrepreneurs in Scotland.

Podcast series ready to roll

Roy spent a great day with UCB recording the new podcast series for this autumn. The series will start in the first week of October. If you missed the previous series, you can listen again here.

Roy’s autobiography

Roy Crowne’s new book Here’s HOPE is out now and charts Roy’s story – growing up in the East End of London right up to today with HOPE Global and Revelation Trust.

Order your copy here.


Vineyard Leader Joins The Team

Revelation Trust now has a new partnership with a pioneering Vineyard leader. Steve Gee, Lead Pastor at Garden City Vineyard, who also serves the wider Vineyard Movement as a Regional Leader for the North, Midlands & East of England, will be working with the Trust a day a week. Steve and his wife Tammy have recently planted a new church and we will be tracking its development over the next year. Steve says, ‘I love seeing new things come to life and I’m passionate about raising up a new generation of pioneering leaders.'


A partnership with Every Home for Christ began with the Hope for All magazines in England. Hope for Every Home was set up in England to publish the magazines and develop the Every Home vision. Then Roy began to pioneer a new EHC ministry in Ireland. Now Roy’s work for Every Home for Christ is to expand to give support and oversight to more European countries. We will keep you posted on developments.

Regional Revelation Trust events

The team of Gospel Entrepreneurs who spent time with Roy on retreat earlier in the year, are now ready to host their own Revelation Trust events around the UK with Roy as one of the speakers at each event. Here are the dates so far: Paignton, South Devon with Toby Chant – 1-9pm, 4 October London with Orlando Antoine – 1-4pm 24 or 25 October North East with Elijah Kirby – 3 December – to be confirmed Lancaster with Sarah Bainbridge – 1-4pm 5 November Belfast, North Ireland – with Spud Murphy and Ben Nelson – 22 or 23 November Leeds with Laura Brett – 9.30-4pm 24 November

If you want to know more, please email the Revelation Trust office -

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Thanks for your prayers and support.


Newsletter - October 2022


Newsletter - August 2022