Newsletter - August 2022

The seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.
Matthew 13: 3-23

Harvest has come early in fields around the UK due to the dry weather. It reminds me of Jesus’s parable of the sower, when he talks about the different types of soil.

Being a Gospel Entrepreneur is finding the right soil to plant the seed of an idea. We have been putting out the seeds of ideas through Revelation Trust and we are starting to see fruit. Pray for the entrepreneurs that are already involved and that we will recruit more.

Let’s plant seeds of the gospel. Let’s communicate the Jesus story and stories of lives and communities transformed. And let’s see what God will do.

Thanks for your prayers. With loads of appreciation for your support

Roy Crowne
Revelation Trust founder

New podcast series coming

Following on from our successful podcast series, UCB have invited us to start a new series in the autumn. If you missed the previous series, you can listen again here.

Revelation Trust goes regional

We are excited to announce that Revelation Trust is to hold events around the UK with Roy Crowne and special guests, hosted by local Gospel Entrepreneurs. Here are the dates so far:

Edinburgh, Scotland with Tommy Nelson – 25 August 2022
Torbay, South Devon with Toby Chant – 3 October 2022
London with Orlando Amonev – 24 October 2022
North East with Elijah Kirby – 29 October 2022
Lancaster with Sarah Bainbridge – 5 and 6 November 2022
Leeds with Laura Brett – 24 November 2022
Belfast, North Ireland – with Spud Murphy and Ben Nelson – 28 November 2022

If you want to know more, please contact Lidia Dunning in the Revelation Trust office.

News archive

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Thanks for your prayers and support.


Newsletter - September 2022


Newsletter - July 2022